One Small Choice, Big Impact: Creating a Ripple Effect in Sustainable Skincare for a Healthier Planet

Did you know that the beauty industry produces over 120 billion units of packaging every year, much of which ends up in landfills? At Essance, we're committed to reducing this waste, one small choice at a time.

When it comes to fighting climate change, it’s easy to feel like our individual choices don’t matter. But at Essance Skincare, we believe that no change is too small and that the ripple effect of conscious decisions can make a lasting difference for the planet.

Imagine this: each glass jar that’s created, shipped, and discarded takes an enormous amount of energy. But what if, instead of discarding that jar, it was returned, reused, and given a second life? That’s the power of our Return and Reuse program—every jar returned is a step toward reducing our environmental footprint. This small action is just one of the many ways we’re committed to sustainability, and we encourage our customers to join us in creating a better future.

The Ripple Effect of Conscious Choices

At Essance, we don’t just stop at skincare. We believe that educating our customers on sustainability can create a ripple effect that goes beyond beauty routines. If 10,000 customers became more eco-conscious—starting with returning their glass jars—they would likely begin to make more sustainable choices in other areas of life. Whether it’s opting for used or rented goods, carpooling or taking public transit, eating a plant-based diet, or cutting down on single-use plastics, these small shifts can add up. And even more importantly, they can inspire future generations to make similar choices.

How We Source and Produce Sustainably

Our commitment to sustainability is built into every aspect of Essance Skincare. We use compostable packing materials, like our dissolvable peanut packing, which contains no harmful chemicals and breaks down in water, making disposal eco-friendly. We also keep our production local, in Portland, Oregon, minimizing the carbon footprint associated with shipping products long distances.

Small-batch production is another cornerstone of our sustainability efforts. It allows us to create only what is needed, reducing waste and ensuring the highest level of freshness in every product. While it’s more work to maintain, it prevents overproduction, and more importantly, it prevents products from expiring on shelves and being wasted. This thoughtful approach to skincare helps us keep waste minimal while providing our customers with the highest-quality ingredients.

The Role of Education and Events

We know that making eco-conscious choices isn’t always easy or obvious, which is why we’ve integrated sustainability education into our workshops and events. By sharing the importance of eco-friendly beauty routines, we hope to inspire customers to spread this knowledge to their communities and families. Imagine the impact of 10,000 people sharing sustainable practices with their children—those small habits would grow into significant societal changes over time.

Through our partnerships, we only align with companies that share our values of sustainability. From reusable gift boxes to our compostable packaging, we make choices every day that reflect our commitment to reducing waste. And this is exactly the kind of discernment we hope to inspire in our customers. Supporting brands that prioritize the environment is an essential step toward creating a sustainable future.

Sustainability and Personal Choices: Living What We Believe

At Essance, our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at our products—it’s a way of life for both of us. Jasmine, for example, makes it a point to support and buy local whenever possible, believing in the power of community. She’s also a minimalist when it comes to her personal belongings, valuing quality over quantity. From minimizing plastic bag use to making thoughtful decisions about what she owns, she embodies the essence of sustainable living.

As for myself, I’ve shifted to buying more used clothing, especially for my kids, and we have a close community of friends where we pass along baby items as our children grow out of them. For my wedding, I prioritized minimizing the travel footprint by keeping it local and supporting local businesses, like hiring a local photographer and choosing seasonal flowers. We used reusable plates, cups, and my wedding dress was even bought secondhand. It was a beautiful day that reflected our values of sustainability, showing that with thoughtful planning, it’s possible to make choices that benefit both us and the planet.

Small Shifts, Big Impact: Simple Ways to Reduce Your Footprint in Daily Life

  • Split Meals When Dining Out: Before you order, see if your friend is up for sharing a meal. You’d be surprised how often others feel the same. It reduces food waste and encourages mindful eating!

  • Borrow or Share Items: Whether it’s borrowing a book, sharing a tool, or passing along baby clothes, sharing is a simple way to reduce unnecessary purchases and build connections within your community.

  • Walk or Bike When Possible: Opt for walking or biking to nearby destinations. Not only does this reduce your carbon footprint, but it’s a great way to stay active and explore your local area.

  • Nourish Relationships Over Things: Prioritize experiences over material items. Choose meaningful activities with loved ones instead of giving or receiving physical gifts, which often create clutter and waste.

  • Smart Grocery Planning: Plan meals carefully to reduce food waste. Buy only what you need and get creative with leftovers to stretch your ingredients further and save money!

Call to Action: Start Small, Start Today

The message is simple: it’s never too late to make a difference. Start with one choice—returning your glass jars, opting for sustainable gift packaging, or simply learning more about how your choices impact the planet. By supporting companies like Essance that are committed to reducing their environmental footprint, you’re taking a stand for the planet.

Small actions add up, and together, we can create a ripple effect of sustainability that reaches beyond beauty and into every facet of life. Join us in making conscious decisions today to ensure a better world for tomorrow.

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